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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

map of scotland uk

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  • lc2004
    09-23 04:22 PM
    the day this becomes would be better for all of us go home, bcos tht means lawmakers are ready to do anything to get some money and they know this country has gone down beyond repair.
    and the day it becomes law..i am sure the situation in this country will be so bad tht most of us wont even have jobs at tht time.

    wallpaper Map of Scotland or Scotland map of scotland uk. indigenous to Scotland.
  • indigenous to Scotland.

  • 21stIcon
    03-27 12:12 PM
    Zardari proposed to Palin, Jayalalitha and Mayawati, while first two rejected him and last one accepted Zardari's proposal.

    map of scotland uk. UK map
  • UK map

  • leoindiano
    08-16 08:33 AM
    SRK is an idiot guys...

    In his movies, he wears and promotes US brands half the time. In his stupid movies from 1999 and 2005, he wore US flag on his clothes. He got houses in London, Dubai. He presents himself indian because that sells. Dont loose sleep over this issue. He is trying to publicize his upcoming movie. Do you think he is going to stop that?

    I couldnt sleep when Mumbai was burning on CNN. But, why would SRK care about that?

    Salman Khan was very sensible in his comments about the issue. Salman, i will watch your next movie in theater for looking from common man perspective. I will make sure, i will not watch SRK movies in theater anymore.

    2011 indigenous to Scotland. map of scotland uk. England Scotland Map
  • England Scotland Map

  • Lasantha
    12-14 03:53 PM
    OK, sorry then. I missed that. ;)

    Yes, Lasantha.. you are right. But that was one of mbartosik's points when he/she was comparing cost/benefit.


    map of scotland uk. map of Scotland marking Jamp;J
  • map of Scotland marking Jamp;J

  • akred
    02-15 08:31 PM
    According to the UN resolution immigration and naturalization laws do not constitute "racial discrimination" by definition. The quota based system does discriminate against people from China and India. But the law as originally established did not intend to do this.

    Nope. Article 1 Paragraph 3 just states that the convention does not apply in those cases. The definition of racial discrimination stands. You should read through the US response to the last review under the CERD (in 2003) and check the responses on immigration policy.

    map of scotland uk. scotland election 2007 map
  • scotland election 2007 map

  • rkartik78
    07-18 05:55 PM
    Dear Attorney,
    I work in a Semiconductor company in Arizona. My company filed for my Labor and i140 (i140 approved in july 2008). Last July, I filed i485 for me and my wife. My H1B expired in May of 2008 and I am now on EAD status. I want to take up a part time job during weekends and weekdays after my Primary work hours. This new job is in no way connected to what I do in my primary job duties and is totally different from the description given in the labor cert. I want to know if it would be ok for me to take up such a part time job and make sure that no problem arises during my i-485 adjudication.



    map of scotland uk. North of Scotland. Map of
  • North of Scotland. Map of

  • Macaca
    07-04 09:23 AM
    Originally Posted by Macaca ( add ons from forum in red)
    I am trying an outline for sending to media + lawmakers + ...

    I meant a scan of the other 100 page thread Breaking news. I did not follow that thread and it has lot of issues. Please summarize issues mentioned in Breaking News thread here.

    I will add issues from this thread! thanks

    2010 UK map map of scotland uk. Map of UK Hardiness Zones
  • Map of UK Hardiness Zones

  • logiclife
    06-28 06:59 PM
    My lawfirm just sent everyone an official memo stating the possibility of retrogression sometime in July and that they are working overtime to get all the cases filed at the earliest...They are saying that there is no guarantee that the 485 application will be accepted if DOS decides to retrogress dates in July....

    What a nightmare these current dates on July bulletin are turning out to be. Instead of feeling relaxed, I am frustrated. I wish I had fired my lawyer the day the bulletin came out and done everything myself. I could have been ready now with fedex packets. The thing is, you dont want to start picking fights with everyone especially when the lawyer is not even hired by you but hired by company's HR department. So I kept quiet and was prepared to see my application go out on the 25th. And now, after denying that "it wont happen, it wont happen", all the lawyers are suddenly doing a flip-flop and saying "Oh, by the way, anything can happen". WTF ???

    ARRGHHHHGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    map of scotland uk. Map of Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe Photographic Print
  • Map of Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe Photographic Print

  • unitednations
    02-13 12:20 PM posted country wise EB visa allocation for the year of 2005. For example, Nepal used only 70 EB3 visas. Whereas country limit is 7%. In that case how EB3 Nepal is retrogressed?

    Can we sue USCIS? Let's discuss.
    In that case, let's hire an attorney.

    This is a valid point of why they don't drill rest of the world down further.

    From a global perspective; if they drilled down rest of the world and took all countries and evenly divided the visas then perhaps the per country limit would be less then 1%. 100% divided by number of countries in the world and you would get less then 1%. Then any country who doesn't use up that visa would get re-allocated to other countries. Pretty difficult thing to do; I would imagine.

    hair England Scotland Map map of scotland uk. Map of Scotland.
  • Map of Scotland.

  • crazyghoda
    10-16 01:59 PM
    Some moron gave me a Red for my post below with the comment ".."

    Seriously dude, if you are so naive as to think that ROW folks are just going sit around and watch EB2 India consume the spillover numbers, then get your head examined or stop smoking that pipe. Have you ever wondered how low the participation is from ROW applicants on these forums? This is simply because for the most part its become a desi forum mostly dominated by EB2 folks.

    Or you can give me another red and stick your head back in the sand (...or in those clouds, whatever the case may be)

    A lot of EB2 folks are getting excited about getting the spillover from EB1 and EB2 ROW but has anyone contemplated that lots of EB3 ROWs will now start at looking at porting their dates to EB2 just as most people from EB3 India are?

    Boy, I sure wish I was a lawyer! If this system remains as screwed up for another 20 years, I am surely sending my kid to law school :D


    map of scotland uk. United Kingdom map showing
  • United Kingdom map showing

  • dvb123
    02-15 10:59 AM
    There have been some class actions in Employment based category. Have to research more on these.

    hot map of Scotland marking Jamp;J map of scotland uk. Road map of Scotland UK.
  • Road map of Scotland UK.

  • JunRN
    09-23 12:29 PM
    I think the $700 billion bail-out will just go down the drain and will be lost due to market speculation...stocks will spike but then will go back to its lows or even lower....and then, check-mate!

    it's like a band-aid to a big wound.


    house Map of the British Isles map of scotland uk. Scotland, UK
  • Scotland, UK

  • samay
    07-15 05:33 PM
    This is a question to the attorney.

    There has been several posts in this site as well as other sites about the recent PIMS delay for stamping in Chennai and other consulates abroad. (That is visa extensions based on approved I-140). In my case i am in 6th year of h1b and am eligible to get 3 years extension as my I-140 was approved more than 2 years ago.

    Some members had said it takes anywhere between 10 days to more than a month or so.

    Please advice us who are waiting for visa extensions based on approved I-140, as to what we should do to mitigate this pims delay.

    Because people like me get 2-3 weeks holiday to go back home and if the stamping gets delayed then everything including our job is at risk.

    I understand your dilemma.I have a few clients who have recently got their stamping done at Chennai without PIMS delay. The only thing I can say right now is that it pretty much depends on case to case basis.

    tattoo scotland election 2007 map map of scotland uk. Find A Course Map
  • Find A Course Map

  • andycool
    09-17 07:46 AM
    Here are the authentic numbers from (

    My analysis from those mdb files: (they are tricky because the data is for FY2005 while the priority date calculations we are doing are for the calendar year)

    calendar year 2005 ( received date between 3/19/2005 - 12/31/2005) = 8645
    year 2006 (rcv date between 1/1/2006 - 9/27/2006) = 15008

    after this it gets bad since the data has no receipt date, only certified date. my estimate is around 12000 for those 3 months of 2006.(total number of certified PERMs between 10/2/2006 - 03/31/2007 = 13873)

    total PERM approvals with PD between march 2005 and Dec 2006 ~ 37000

    If EB2 is 50%, we are talking ~19000, with an avg of 2.5 GCs per PERM, we need 47,500 GCs between Mar 05 and Jan 07.

    Good luck every one :(:D:mad:

    These numbers are not correct .....

    the total numbers of perm certified for india from March 2005 - March 2006 is ~ 11000 this includes all EB cases . I dont know how you got the number 37000 .

    this is from (


    pictures North of Scotland. Map of map of scotland uk. Map of Perth
  • Map of Perth

  • logiclife
    02-12 01:17 PM
    I have seen this dog and pony show one too many times. Every year, people think that next year's quota of 140,000 will cause the dates for India and China to go forward in the October Bulletin. October will be the end of misery.

    Each year, in October bulletin, for India/China EB3, the dates are either stagnant or they go back to 1998 or 1999.

    The thing is, as long as there is this per-country quota rationing of green cards, ROW folks will keep moving to the HOV lane and each year, in Oct to Dec timeframe their dates will get current and they will get GCs.

    And each year, the dates for India and China will keep yo-yoing between 1998 and 2002, will never move forward, because if per-country limits are applied to 140,000 greencards, then there is very very little leftover that flows to India/China.

    So without an increase in Quota or without removal of per-country discrimination, nothing is going to happen either in Oct 2008 or Oct 2009 or Oct 2010. It will keep fluctuating between 1998 and 2002. That is the bracket for India and China.

    dresses Road map of Scotland UK. map of scotland uk. UK Map
  • UK Map

  • jungalee43
    11-08 02:57 PM
    Sent e-mails to all the contacts. Immediately received some out-of-office auto replies. Looks like they would be out of office till Nov. 6 or Nov. 10.
    Next up, posting message on


    makeup Map of Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe Photographic Print map of scotland uk. Map of the British Isles
  • Map of the British Isles

  • tjayant
    10-04 07:25 PM
    Hi Guys,
    I got my PR, is there any way i can keep it current, looks like it will expire in 5years if you are not staying in Canada for more than 2 years, but some said there is a workarround.

    girlfriend Find A Course Map map of scotland uk. UK amp; Ireland Map. Scotland
  • UK amp; Ireland Map. Scotland

  • TeddyKoochu
    09-15 07:52 AM
    Year, TOT_LBRS, Certified, LBR_INDIA PD_>_10/1/2001
    2000 074048 70204 ????? 0
    2001 082139 77921 ????? 0
    2002 089168 79784 ????? 7873
    2003 095299 62912 ????? 25956
    2004 098866 43582 ????? 26569
    2005 014253 06133 01350 6133
    2006 105960 79782 22298 79782
    2007 098753 85112 24573 85112
    2008 061997 21092 07198 21092
    Total 720483 526522 55419 252517

    In 2005 there are a total of 01350 labors certified only for India.
    In 2006 there are a total of 22298 labors certified only for India.

    The other important thing here to note down is there are many outsourcing companies out there filed/filing GCs for their so called managers in EB1 category.

    Friends looks like that there is a consensus that folks with 2005 will get their GC soon, all of you have stated that there are very few labors for this year. How do we divide the labors for 2006, if we give 50% of them to EB2 I then I believe that by Sep 2010 year 2006 should get cleaned out. Another point is how the spillover is allocated quarterly, annually or randomly (How do we explain EB2I going back to 01 Jan 2000 and then recovering back). Definitely a quarterly spillover will make predictions & life easier! Something to factor is EB2-C, EB2-I date has almost caught up, traditionally it stays 1 yr behind (EB2-I lags EB2-C) in the early part of the year, this could be huge factor if both catch up.

    hairstyles United Kingdom map showing map of scotland uk. Scotland U.K and The Outer
  • Scotland U.K and The Outer

  • smuggymba
    01-14 08:58 AM
    There was a huge discussion during the presedential campaign on why Obama is a great choice...but looks like he is just another socialist democrat. John Mccain would have been a better choice, but we can't control this so best of luck to all. There are plenty of jobs in other countries including india. not the end of world.

    05-12 01:32 PM
    Yes, I have seen this and more than enough LTTE sponsored propoganda web sites. This is nothing new. Just beware, do not believe everything you see. Do your own research and form your own opinion.

    First fix your profile. You can't be heard if your credibility is under question.

    02-15 12:43 PM
    "CLASS ACTION AGAINST USCIS? My god, you have no idea what you're talking about"

    Freedom without violence?? Man on the Moon?

    Sounds familiar?

    You would have said few months back "GC without FBI Namechecks? You have no idea what you are talking about"

    You can't win if you don't even try. Simple as that. At the minimum, lawsuit will highlight all the issues in the broken process and get some serious media action.

    I myself wanted to have my greencard NOW!!!

    Unfortunately, I have to wait until there is a visa available.

    Whether there is a shortcoming on their law here, as aliens, we should also respect the law just like their citizens.

    Congress is the only one who could make changes to their existing laws and if they can't do it, bad luck to us.

    Their hands are tied.

    USCIS cannot do anything because they are just following the law.

    Class action is a very big thing and I've read alot of responses here as if filing for a class action is like going to walmart and complain about a defective item you just bought.

    I'm not a lawyer but I'm working for a law firm which gives me some idea how the legal system works.

    CLASS ACTION AGAINST USCIS? My god, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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